Project Advisors

Ashok Agrawal, M.S., P.E
St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley

Kathleen Alfano
California Regional Consortium for Engineering Advances in Technological Education (Create)

Nouna Bakhiet, Ph.D
Southwestern College
School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering

Terry Brase
The National Center for Agriscience and Technology Education (AgrowKnowledge)
Kirkwood Community College

Darryl Collins
Student Empowerment Academy
Los Angeles Calif., Unified School District

Elaine Craft
South Carolina Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence (SC ATE)
Florence-Darlington Technical College

Elaine Craft
South Carolina Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence (SC ATE)
Florence-Darlington Technical College

Jerry Duncan
Center for the Advancement of Process Technology (CAPT)
College of the Mainland

Ellen Hause
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)

Diane Auer Jones
Career Education Corporation

Michael Lesiecki, PhD
Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC)

Renee Madyun
Science/Math Department, Los Angeles Trade Technical College

Maureen Majury, M.Ed.
National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies (NWCET)
Bellevue Community College

Peter Saflund
The Saflund Institute (TSI)

Gordon F. Snyder Jr.
National Information and Communications Technologies Center (ICT Center)
Springfield Technical Community College

Lane Warner, M. Ed.
Jefferson County Colo., School District

Funded by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education – Principal Investigators Julie Rivinus and Anthony Manupelli

Series Host

Caroline Botelho

Produced by

Pellet Productions, Inc

Series Producer

Anthony Manupelli


Mary Ellen Gardiner

Contributing Producer

Jonathan Loewald

Field Producers

Laura Chapnick
Matthew Eisen
Paul Gramaglia
Lorna MacMillan
Paul Z. Marcus
Dan O’Rourke
John Sherlock
Scott W. Smith
Kevin Watters
Matthew M. Widowski

Series Open

One80 Visual


Patrice Goldman
Scott Pressler
Amy Schrob


Dick Bartlett
Julie Kahn
Tim Kennedy
Alex Kreuter
Dickran Manoogian
Harlan Reiniger
Mary-Kate Shea

Online Editor

Julie Kahn

Camera Operators

Bill Charette
Alton Chewning
Lance Douglas
Brian Dowley
Tom Fahey
Vicente Franco
Michael Griffith
Jerry Hattan
Kirk Hayden
Steve Holm
Thomas Kaufman
Scott Kilian
Robert Matzen
Bruce Moitoza
Stanley Staniski
Gordy Waterman
Scott Winters

Sound Recordists

Frederick Albright
Michael Boyle
Clint Bramesco
Fred Burnham
John Cameron
Kenny Conyers
Ray Day
Randy Foster
Matt Geraci
Paul Gramaglia
John O’Connor
Rick Patterson
George Shafnacker
Deborah Shapiro
Kem Stralka
Jon Van Allen
Eric Vucelich
Everett Wong


Jeri LaShay

Legal Counsel for Video

Kathryn M. Fallon, P.C.

Stock Footage

Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.

Special Thanks

Aquaria Water, LLC
Bristol Community College
Bunker Hill Community College
David Tyler, RMHS
Duke Energy Generation Services
Juniper Networks
Middlesex Community College
Premier Grain Farms
University of Massachusetts – Amherst

Website & Brand: Strategy, Design & Technology

Openfield Creative, Inc

Additional Website Technical Support

BBDS Design

Content Writer

Rich Parr

External Evaluator

Goodman Research Group, Inc
Elizabeth Bachrach, Ph.D.
Helena Pylvainen


Lynne Steinman, PR
Ryan Williams, Social Marketing

Legal Counsel for AIME

Danica Mathes
Mathes Law, LLC

Kurt Wolfgram
Wolfgram & Associates, P.C

Charles Kopman

Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0802503. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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